define('WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', 'minor');// This setting is required to make sure that WordPress updates can be properly managed in WordPress Toolkit. Remove this line if this WordPress website is not managed by WordPress Toolkit anymore. Survey Data 29th March 2013

Survey Data 29th March 2013

Collected by Agata, Kheng, Yonghe and Luyin on the 29th of March 2013

Position Depth (m) Time Temp. (C) Visibility (m) pH EC TDS (ppm) ORP (mV) Salinity Dis. O2 (ppm) Nitrates Phosphates
3,0 3.7 912 30 25.3 8.45 17.32 12210 145 1.025 7
3,100 3.5 901 30 20 8.43 19.98 13980 155 1.024 7
12,0 12.5 840 30 20 8.43 19.52 13620 148 1.026 4
12,100 13.2 852 30 23.5 8.43 19.83 13880 151 1.025 6

One comment to Survey Data 29th March 2013