define('WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', 'minor');// This setting is required to make sure that WordPress updates can be properly managed in WordPress Toolkit. Remove this line if this WordPress website is not managed by WordPress Toolkit anymore. Survey Data 27th October 2012

Survey Data 27th October 2012

Collected by Gemma, Anders, Eric, Maita, Jun and Keith on the 27th of October 2012

Position Depth (m) Time Temp. (C) Visibility (m) pH EC TDS (ppm) ORP (mV) Salinity
3,0 3.8 0849 30 13 8.36 13.68 9620 186 1.025
3,50 4.3 0918 30
3,100 4.0 0912 30 12 8.38 14.19 9850 201 1.025
12,0 12.5 0854 30 15 8.39 11.49 8060 194 1.024
12,50 12.7 0902 30
12,100 13.5 0906 30 15 8.40 13.13 9120 188 1.024